Healing Roots offers workshops on a variety of topics. These can be customized to fit an organization's needs, including time and budget.
European American Identity and Culture
Topics include:
- What is culture?: The dynamics of culture
- The history of whiteness
- Opportunities to transform whiteness
- Major characteristics of modern European American culture
- Our cultural roots
- Building relationships across culture
- The value of culture and diversity
Narratives of Whiteness
Cultural "narratives" that our society has inherited that maintain inequities and racism, including:
- The narrative of cultural superiority
- The narrative of meritocracy
- The narrative of the white savior
We then discuss how we can promote counter narratives, including:
- Cultural awareness and humility
- Systems thinking
- Community engagement
Western vs. Indigenous Ways of Knowing
We study several cultural concepts to understand some of the deep differences that can create misunderstanding and oppression, including
- Concept of self: individualist vs. collectivist
- Land/nature
- Knowledge
Preparation for Truth-Telling
A process for preparing European Americans to listen to the stories of people of other cultures of their suffering and oppression. Includes:
- Studying our experiences with deep listening: What gets in the ways? What patterns do we repeat? What supports us to listen deeply?
- Cultural concepts that lead to disconnection or misunderstanding
- Resources for listening and empathizing

Our Partners
Healing Roots has worked with the following:
- Community members
- Doctors and medical students
- Nurses and nursing students
- Social workers
- Non-profit staff
- Educators
- Attorneys
- Researchers
- Nutritionists
- Hospital administrators
- University of Minnesota
- Bethel University
- Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging
- Minneapolis Food Council
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSA)'s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT)
- St. Charles Youth and Family and Milwaukee Community Access of Recovery Services Division